Harvard University
Working Group on Environmental Justice
With support from the Harvard University Provost's Fund for Interfaculty Collaboration, the University Committee on Environment and the W.E.B. Du Bois Institute for Afro-American Research
James Hoyte and Timothy C. Weiskel
                    Program Directors

Streaming Audio and Video Gateway
News Stories, Interviews, Lectures and Eye Witness Accounts
from Online Multimedia Sources
[Works with RealAudio browser application software.
To download RealPlayer G2 beta click here. ]
[Links on this page are provided for reference and research only. The Working Group on Environmental Justice does not necessarily endorse or approve of opinions expressed on these sites which remain the sole responsibility of each particular site's organization.]

Directory of Links to Internet Sources
OneWorld Radio - U.K. Pacifica Network News NPR - National Public Radio WebActive BBC World Service Democracy Now! United Nations Radio
ENN - Environmental News Network High Plains News Service Radio Nation FreeSpeech T.V. Online Focus - Online NewsHour Living On Earth GreenWave Radio
VOA Internet Audio International Radio Sites Online Print News from Around the World Earth Watch - Radio Canada International World Radio Network - AudioOnDemand Other News Sources

BBC - Live | BBC - 5 Min. | BBC - 13:00 | BBC - 20:00 | BBC - T.V. | ENN Multimedia | ENN News | CNNin - 12 Min. | NewsHour 3 Min. | Full Coverage | Full Coverage - World
Subject Categories | OnLine NewsHour | ENS News | E-Wire News | Go to Bottom of this Page | Return to Environmental Justice Home Page | ENS Events Calendar *

What Happened in Seattle?        Selected media coverage of labor, environmental and ecojustice issues surrounding the events in Seattle, Washington concerning the Third Ministerial Meeting of the World Trade Organization, 29 November - 3 December 1999 .

One World-- News and Radio One World Site

Democracy Now

Real Audio Current Day's News Briefing

  • 8 May 1998 --
         This year marks the 20th anniversary of the evacuation from Love Canal. Love Canal first hit the headlines in 1978 as an entire community struggled with the fact that it was living on top of a toxic waste dump. Within weeks, a grassroots movement forced national decision-makers to pay heed, and the community was evacuated. Love Canal entered modern mythology as one of the most notorious environmental scandals in the world. Yet, 20 years later, homes at Love Canal have been resold and approximately 50,000 similar sites remain.
         Love Canal may never gave become so widely known without the leadership of the young Niagara Falls housewife who organized her community and went on to become an international folk heroine: Lois Gibbs. In Love Canal: The Story Continues..., Gibbs gives the blow-by-blow account of how she and other Love Canal residents first became aware of health problems caused by 20,000 tons of toxic chemicals buried beneath the ground. Children playing barefoot in their backyards were discovered to have burned feet, and alarming numbers of neighbors were plagued with mysterious diseases. Faced with denial and empty reassurances from the government, Gibbs persisted, and eventually 900 families were relocated.
         On Capitol hill yesterday, Congress held a hearing on the controversy.
         Lois Gibbs, is the executive director of the Center for Health, Environment and Justice. She is the recipient of over 20 prestigious awards including the Goldman Environmental Prize for North America, and an Honorary Doctorate at the State University of New York at Cortland. She is the author of Love Canal: the Story Continues... published by New Society Publishers.

  • 30 September 1998 --
    Real Audio SPECIAL REPORT: "Drilling and Killing: Chevron and Nigeria's Oil Dictatorship."
         Democracy Now! documents for the first time Chevron's role in the killing of two Nigerian activists. The San Francisco-based oil company helped facilitate an attack by the feared Nigerian Navy and notorious Mobile Police (MOPOL). In an interview with Democracy Now!, a company spokesperson acknowledged that on May 28, 1998, the company transported Nigerian soldiers to their Parabe oil platform and barge in the Niger Delta, which dozens of community activists had occupied. The protesters were demanding that Chevron contribute more to the development of the impoverished oil region where they live.
         Soon after landing in Chevron-leased helicopters, the Nigerian military shot to death two protesters, Jola Ogungbeje and Aroleka Irowaninu and wounded several others. Eleven activists were detained for three weeks.
         During their imprisonment, one activist said he was hung from a ceiling fan hook for hours for refusing to sign a statement written by Federal authorities.      Chevron is the third largest oil producer in Nigeria.
  • 10 August 1998 --
    Real Audio Story: SPEECH BY HELEN CALDICOTT The following is a speech given by Helen Caldicott, physician, activist and writer, and one of the founders of Physicians for Social Responsibility and Womens' Action for Nuclear Disarmament. The presentation took place at Peace Action's 12th Annual Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
         Tape: Helen Caldicott, speaking at Peace Action's Annual Conference.
         Yesterday in New Mexico, 300-400 demonstrators protested against resumed nuclear weapons production at Los Alamos National Laboratory. In what is believed to be the largest protest ever at the scandal-plagued nuclear lab, 66 people were detained-33 women and 33 men-for non-violent civil disobedience. The first to be arrested was actor-activist Martin Sheen.
         Sheen's numerous acting credits include such movies as "Apocalypse Now" (1979), "The American President" (1995), "The War at Home" (1996) and "Spawn" (1997). In addition to his acting career, Martin Sheen--born Ramon Estevez--has been involved in anti-nuclear, environmental and animal rights activism, and has been arrested over 50 times for his participation in civil disobedience actions.
         You're about to hear an interview done with Sheen yesterday during the Los Alamos protest, before he was detained by police.
         Tape: Martin Sheen
         Jane Tallents is with Trident Ploughshares 2000, an anti-nuclear disarmament group based in Scotland.

Pacifica Network News

Real Audio Current Day's News Briefing

  • Voices from the Nigerian Resistance. Democracy Now!'s page of audio-visual resources on the ongoing Nigerian struggle.
  • 27 November 1998 --
    Real Audio Progressive Risk Future Without Plan
         In their new book The Future of American Progressivism, Harvard professors Cornel West and Roberto Unger reveal the country no longer engages in real political debate. West and Unger say progressives have failed to present a policy package to the American people. Michelle Garcia speaks with West and Unger about the dilemma and their solution.
  • 17 July 1998 --
    Real Audio U.S. Hampers International Criminal Court
         Five weeks of negotiating over the constitution for an International Criminal Court end today. Verna Avery Brown interviews observers Andreas Zupach, in Rome, and Phyllis Bennis in Washington, who say the role of the U.S. in the process has been devastating.
  • 15 July 1998 --
    Real Audio Retracing The Slave Trade Path
         An interfaith group is retracing the steps of the slave trade, and today it stopped outside the World Bank and IMF buildings in Washington, D.C. to hold a vigil. Don Rush spoke with some of the participants.
  • 3 June 1998 --
    Real Audio Mexico -- Global Warming?
         PNN Commentator David Helvarg is watching the fires in Mexico and taking in the silence about the cause... Global Warming, anyone?
  • 29 May 1998 --
    Real Audio NAFTA's Impact on Labor Organizing
         Just last week, the Mexican government joined a suit pressing for migrant worker's rights in Maine. And now the Mexican government has filed suit in a case protecting migrant apple workers in Washington state. Meanwhile, US labor unions have been helping to organize Mexican workers. And much of this is being done under the auspices of NAFTA. Michelle Garcia reports.
  • 19 May 1998 --
    Real Audio Trade Meeting Spark Protests
         In Geneva, massive protests have greeted the World Trade Organization meeting. Mark Bevis investigates just why so many people are so mad, and at whom.
  • 30 April 1998 --
    Real Audio Organic Food Regulations
         Michelle Garcia looks at the controversy over organic food regulations. Why do so many people care what the USDA declares "organic?" The period for public comment on the USDA's proposed rules ends today.
  • 22 April 1998 --
    Real Audio Earth Day-Environmental Racism in L.A.
         On Earth Day, Los Angeles Communities for a Better Environment, an environmental justice group toured toxic hot spots in predominately Latino and African American communities. In addition, they will kicked off a three year campaign to identify toxic hazards and help people organize to fight policies that have permitted lethal chemicals to pollute the air, water and soil in communities of color. Robin Urevich reports in Los Angeles.
  • 17 April 1998 --
    Real Audio Anniversary of Brazil Massacre
         Today marks the second anniversary of a massacre in Brazil, when government troops killed 19 landless agricultural workers participating in a protest for land. Daniel Correia, a leader of the Landless Workers movement (MST) talks with Laura Flanders.
         Related sites:
         Time.com - "Brazil's Landless Rebels"
         Reuters - "Brazil Land Violence Persists After Massacre"
  • 17 April 1998 --
    Real Audio Further Militarization and Tension in Chiapas
         In Mexico last weekend, American human rights observers were ejected from Chiapas. Since then, militarization in the region has caused local men to flee, leaving women and children vulnerable. Mariana Mora just returned from the region and reports for PNN from San Cristobel de Casis.
         Related links:
         Yahoo full coverage of Chiapas conflict
  • April 14, 1998 --
    Real Audio Mexico Expells 12 North Americans
         The Mexican government expelled twelve North Americans over Easter weekend, after they witnessed a military operation to shut down a Zapatista-controlled town in Chiapas. Verna Avery Brown talks Jeffrey Conant, one of the deportees.
  • 10 April 1998 --
    Real Audio Mexico Says Zapatistas No Threat, Deploys More Troops
         The Mexican government would like the world to believe that the threat posed by the Zapatistas is minimal, but it keeps deploying more troops to Chiapas. Frank Contreras investigates why.
  • 10 April 1998 --
    Real Audio John Sayles on the Secret Wars in Latin America
         John Sayles is the editor, producer and director of a new film about conflict in Latin America. He talked to Mario Murillo of Our Americas about the wars most people would rather keep in the dark about.
  • 8 April 1998 --
    Critics Review Pros and Cons of IMF
         The IMF has agreed on its third plan for Indonesia and even some former critics of the plan appear to be willing to go along. Mark Bevis talks to Rep. Bernie Sanders and others about the pros and cons of the Fund. Is the world better off with or without the IMF?
  • 3 April 1998 --
    Real Audio The Future of U.S. Aid to Africa
         The President's message to Africa has been that the continent should move beyond dependency on foreign aid. Was this just cover for lower aid offerings? And if trade with the U.S. is the alternative to aid, who is setting the terms? Mark Bevis investigates.
  • 27 March 1998 --
    Real Audio Still No Justice for Murdered Indian Activist
         Anna Mae Pictou Aquash was murdered 23 years ago, on the Pine Ridge reservation in South Dakota. Her assassins have never been indicted. Anna Mae was an activist in the American Indian Movement. Today would have been her 53rd birthday. We have this reflection, in honor of women's history month, on Anna Mae Aquash and the questions still lingering about her brutal death.
  • 26 March 1998 --
    Real Audio Union Fights Against Importation of Nigerian Oil
         South Africa is the second largest U.S. trading partner in Africa, second to Nigeria. The Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers Union has just launched an campaign to win the release of Frank Kokori and Milton Dabibi, two Nigerian oil union leaders who've been imprisoned by the military regime since 1994 and 1996, respectively. The campaign is promoting and international boycott of Nigerian crude oil, with protests/leafleting at Philadelphia-area Sun Oil refineries. Verna Avery Brown reports.
         Related links:
         Free Nigeria
         Shell Oil and Nigeria Site

NPR NPR Audio News - Directory
  • InFocus - RealVideo in service of environmental information, and reform.
    • Real Video Great Bear Rainforest Project [This is a "Virtual Tour" produced by Light Hawk and WebActive to the British Columbia rainforest and a presentation of the problems and conflicts involved in saving these forests from clear-cutting].
  • Site of the Week interview archive

BBC World Service -- Live Feed
BBC -Guide to audio on World Service

Current News

ENN Multimedia

Current News - from the Environmental News Network

         Contains various good sources of current news. ENN serves as a platform for the diffusion of different audio programs including Earthwatch Radio , Great Lakes Radio and the Environment Show, hosted by Peter Berle from WAMC in Albany, New York. The Environment Show Click here for access to Selected Programs from the Past of the WAMC "Environment Show" via ENN Multimedia.

         See, for example, the Environment Show program of July 24 1998 which contains an interview with Robert Bullard , Director of the Environmental Justice Resource Center at Clark Atlanta University in Atlanta, Georgia. The issues discussed deal with the siting of toxic facilities in or near communities of color. As Professor Bullard suggests, the first principle of the environmental justice movement is that communities should be at the table from the outset in planning the siting of toxic facilities.

         See, also Environmental Justice with brief and somewhat incipid definition by EPA official on program of July 24 1998 .

         Also consult a re-packaging of the same sound byte interview with "Running-Grass" at the EPA. "The Environmental Justice Movement has really researched and illustrated for the nation the fact that environmental harms and environmental benefits are distributed and experienced by people on the basis of class and race," says Running-Grass, an Environmental Justice Specialist with the Environmental Protection Agency. The response? "A movement of people of color communities -- grass roots communities -- to transform the whole notion of environmental protection and environmentalism in the country." To find out more, tune in to Earthnews Radio, or email: earth@enn.com. Story by ENN Affiliate Science Interchange

High Plains News Service

Current News - from the High Plains News Service

         The High Plains News Service contains various sources of current news from the Rocky Mountain west. HPNS fills the growing void between local news, and national and international programming. HPNS is the only news and information program covering the Rocky Mountain and Northern Great Plains Region. HPNS not only covers issues important to the Western Region, but also serves as a missing link, connecting rural citizens across the nation.
         Building the Network...The High Plains News Service takes a leading role in building a regional, community news network. We provide training and professional support to both novice and veteran radio reporters. HPNS producers provide stories for other radio networks, building coalitions and a growing recognition of HPNS as the news network of the Northern Great Plains and Rocky Mountain Region.

Real Audio Special Program from High Plains News Service.

Selected Items from Past High Plains Broadcasts

Migrant Workers Exposed to Pesticides
Real Audio Migrant workers get pesticide education.
In 1992, the EPA set standards requiring farm employers to train and inform field works about the chemicals used and the risks involved with their exposure. But, field workers and their advocates complain that many employers do not comply with the law. High Plains Service (4:38)

Real Audio South Dakotans outlaw corporate farming.
Bad smells and polluted waterways are plaguing large corporate farms from North Carolina to Iowa. Now some western states are taking action to prevent the problems. Colorado voters approved an amendment that calls for strict regulation of factory-style hog confinement operations. South Dakotans voted in an amendment to stop out of state corporations from exporting profits and leaving local farmers and taxpayers to clean up the mess. High Plains News (4:14).

Great Lakes Radio Consortium

Archive of News - from the Great Lakes Radio Consortium

  • Lois Gibbs
    Real Audio "Love Canal: 25 Years Later" -- Interview with Lois Gibbs, Executive Director of the Center for Health, Environment and Justice. Gibbs, whose family was sickened by the toxins in Love Canal, New York in the 70's, looks back on her fight against a powerful corporation and explains why, twenty-five years later, developers are trying to build another community on land which is still lethal. Back in the Spring of 1978, a twentysomething housewife named Lois Gibbs discovered that her child was attending an elementary school built on top of a 20,000 ton toxic chemical dump in Niagara Falls, New York. Out of desperation, she organizer her neighbors into the Love Canal Homeowners Association and, for more than two years, struggled for relocation. [ From RadioNation -- Week of MAY 20 - 26, 1998.]

  • See also, Louisiana Environmental Justice issues:
  • Real Audio "The Biotech Century" -- Interview with Jeremy Rifkin, President of Foundation on Economic Trends and Nation contributor Rifkin explores the corporate rush to patent genetic resources -- and control life itself. The battle to keep the earth's gene pool an open commons, free of commercial exploitation, is going to become one of the critical struggles of the Biotech Age, he argues. [ From RadioNation -- Week of APRIL 8 - 14, 1998.]
  • Real Audio "The Last Energy War" -- Harvey Wasserman, Senior advisor to Greenpeace USA and Nation contributor. As the capital and our national media remain transfixed with talk of war and the latest salacious details of the President's alleged affairs, Wasserman has been keeping tabs on the restructuring of the nation's $212 billion-a-year electric power industry. It's proceeding apace, Wasserman tells Cooper, and we're all about to feel its economic and ecological impact. [ From RadioNation -- MARCH 11 - 17, 1998.]

WWW.Freespeech.Org and FStv -- Free Speech T.V.

  • Real Video "Massacre at Acteal: the Other Side of NAFTA", a mini-documentary by Kerry Appel shot in Chiapas only days after the massacre itself. Produced by Kerry Appel & The Human Bean Company. In addition, see "News and Urgent Actions" materials assembled by Kerry Appel.
  • Real Video Interview With Subcomandante Marcos of EZLN (Zapatistas) In this excerpt, Marcos speaks to the question, "What does a struggle between indigenous peasantry and the Mexican government have to do with the rest of the world? Produced by Kerry Appel.
  • Real Video Interview With Subcomandante Marcos of EZLN (Zapatistas) Part II. Subcomandante Marcos Interview: "In regards to our failure . . ." Spanish with English subtitles. Produced by Kerry Appel.
  • Real Video Zapatista Women Heros. [Video of Interview about Zapatista women militants in Chiapas, Mexico].
  • Real Video Chiapas Media Project. [Video project launched to let people of Chiapas, Mexico tell their own story to the world].
  • Real Video Prof. Noam Chomsky --Interview with Matthew Rothschild of the Progressive . See also Noam Chomsky Archive.
  • Real Video Shell On Earth. Report on protests in Ogoni land in Nigeria over operations of Shell Oil Company in the Oil Rivers sections of Nigeria. Includes information on protests against Shell headquarters in London. In Nigeria, hundreds have been killed and thousands displaced in these protests. October 1995 Ken Saro-Wiwa is sentenced to death. On November 10, 1995 Ken Saro-Wiwa was executed by the Nigerian state, and there were subsequent protests in Britain. The Ogoni stuggle for ecojustice continues.
  • Real Video Undercurrents: Washes Whiter. A critical look at the World Bank, IMF, and GATT and how they affect the world's poor and the environment of the Third World. Produced by Undercurrents.
  • Real Audio International Forum on Globalization, Berkeley, California, April 1997. [Conference Speeches in succession]. Produced by Mike Thornton, for Full Logic Reverse KVMR Radio, Berkeley Community Theatre.
    • Real Audio Jerry Mander speaks at the International Forum on Globalization , Berkeley, California. Produced by Mike Thornton.
    • Real Audio John Cavanagh speaks at the International Forum on Globalization , Berkeley, California. Produced by Mike Thornton.
    • Real Audio Martin Khor, Malaysian environmental activist speaks at the International Forum on Globalization , Berkeley, California. Produced by Mike Thornton.
    • Real Audio Vandana Shiva, Indian environmental activist, speaks at the International Forum on Globalization , Berkeley, California. Produced by Mike Thornton.
    • Real Audio Congressman David Bonior, 10th Congressional District, Michigan, speaks at the International Forum on Globalization , Berkeley, California. Produced by Mike Thornton.
  • Real Audio Aziz Choudry - GATT Watchdog. An interview with Aziz Choudry of the organization GATT Watchdog Produced by Danny Postel.
  • Real Audio Mark Ritchie, Director of the International Institute for Trade and Agriculture , Minneapolis, Minnesota. Interview on Full Logic Reverse produced by Mike Thornton.
  • Real Audio Dave Ranning, Associate Professor of Urban Planning, University of Chicago, Associate Fellow at the Intitute for Policy Studies, Washington, D.C. on the MAI -- the Multilateral Agreement on Investments. Produced by Wayne Heinbach of Labor Express .
  • Real Video Maude Barlow, on the MAI (Multilateral Agreement on Investments). The MAI will go far beyond NAFTA in allowing transnational corporations to vie for control of our health care and education systems, telecommunications and cultural industries, public utilities and municipal services and more--so what is it? Produced by Working TV.

Living On Earth

  • Real Audio Current Living on Earth Program or Alternate Access Site.
  • Real Audio Archive of Previous Living On Earth Broadcasts (listed in reverse chronological order).

  • Selected Stories from Living on Earth Archive.
    • Real Audio Buenos Aires I: Climate Preview. Steve Curwood has an overview of the U.S. response to reducing carbon emissions, and a preview of what is expected at the next round of climate negotiations at Buenos Aires. Living on Earth - aired Nov.6 - Nov.12, 1998.
    • Real Audio Enviros Gain in Mid-Term Election. Environmentalists are claiming victory after last week's election, and Laura Knoy speaks with Peter Thomson and Terry FitzPatrick to review the results and key issues. Living on Earth - aired Nov.6 - Nov.12, 1998.
    • Real Audio New Ruling in Flint, MI. Last week, the Environmental Protection Agency rejected charges that pollution from a newly proposed plant would primarily affect minority residents. Living on Earth - aired Nov.6 - Nov.12, 1998.

GreenWave Radio

Kennedy School Arco Forum



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