The Reverend
William Sloane Coffin, Jr.

"Wisdom for the Ages"
NPR - WBUR - On Point
(18 December 2003).

     The Reverend William Sloane Coffin, Jr. chaplain of Yale University ( 1957-1975), senior minister of the Riverside Church in New York City (1977-1987), president of the nuclear disarmament advocacy group SANE FREEZE (1987-1990), author of the new book "Credo"

     The Reverend William Sloane Coffin, Jr. has been called an American prophet. He became famous at Yale in the 1960s for his opposition to the Vietnam war. He was jailed as a civil rights "Freedom Rider." From the pulpit to the world stage, Reverend Coffin has argued that faith must be at the heart of political and intellectual life.