Implicit theories

Colonial (Industrial) Worldview


      The moral community is made up of those who work to develop industrial processes with new labor-saving devises.  Entreprenneurs


     The system consists of various other industrial entrepreneurs engaged in competition.  Natural world is a resource base for industrial processes.  Plants, animals and minerals are “raw materials.”


     Authority is vested in nation-states under elected governments or constitutional monarchies whose role is to facilitate industial development


     Change occurs through the invention of manufacturing technology through invention and the application of science for willful innovation.  Change is good  -- and necessary – for competitive survival of rival industrial powers.  Growth for the sake of growth is a goal .


    The state and the entrepreneurial classes need to act together.  The state should act to facilitate and “free up” the potential for industrial growth.


    The focus is upon the immediate future in which plans for growth, innovation and measurable expansion can be realized.  The preindustrial  past becomes “outdated.” The system moves toward the “new” and innovative.  The “modern” is “good” the “old-fashioned” is simply discarded, bypassed or ignored