Implicit theories

Colonial (Mercantilist) Worldview


      The moral community is made up of those who share in the effort  to discover, conquer, exploit  and dominate ‘wild” or untamed nature.


     The system consists of various moral communities which are also engaged in this competition or which are destined to be subdued by it.  All of this is played out in a vastly expanded natural world of  plentiful resources that are there simply for the appropriation.


     Authority is vested in competing sovereignties which settle disputes by treaty, alliance or warfare.  Nothing like the authority of power.


     Change occurs through the invention of new sailing techniques, manufacturing technology  and willful innovation.  Change is good  -- and necessary – for competitive survival of rival trading powers.  Growth for the sake of growth is good – stored as “money” .


    The “Lord helps those who help themselves.”  Explorers, discoverers and innovators are valued as agents of change.


    The focus is neither upon the past nor the remote future, but upon the present and the immediate future in which plans for growth, innovation and measurable expansion can be realized.  The “New World” is a “New Heaven and a New Earth  -- Messianic, utopian communities abound.