"America's Energy Woes"

NPR - WBUR - On Point
12 October 2005 11:AM EDT

The energy bill vote last Friday was the tightest of squeakers on Capitol Hill. Long after the gavel was supposed to come down, House Republicans -- including the deposed Tom DeLay -- twisted resistant GOP arms to the breaking point, while Democrats shouted "Shame! Shame!" in the House chamber. In the end, by a vote of 212 to 210, the House passed a bill that would boost American refinery capacity, in a controversial tumult of environmental overrides and big money subsidies. In the wake of hurricanes Katrina and Rita, capacity is wounded and tight. So are American household budgets, facing high oil prices.


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Hear about Capitol Hill's "crisis management" of American energy policy.
· Jonathan Weisman, financial reporter, The Washington Post
· Ellen Berman, president, Consumer Energy Council of America
· Steve Nadel, executive director, American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy
· Congressman Mike Castle (R-DE), one of 13 Republicans who voted against the Gasoline for America's Security (GAS) Act
· Congressman John Shimkus (R - IL), a supporter of the new energy bill
· Michael Economides, petroleum expert and professor of engineering at the University of Houston. He has consulted with foreign governments and national oil companies.