Threat of Climate Change:
Evidence from the Arctic Seminar with
Dr. Robert Corell, Tuesday, October
Robert Corell is the chair of the steering committee for the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment, a collective effort of scientists from Canada, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Russia and the United States. The report, released last November, found that the average arctic temperature has increased at almost twice the rate as the rest of the planet. Drastic changes in Arctic sea ice, the melting of the highly reflective Arctic cap, and the thawing of the permafrost will have significant implications for the global environment, and for the 4 million people living above the Arctic Circle. Dr. Corell will discuss the report and his recent discussions with member governments on how they might respond to the report's findings. There have been hundreds of reports on global warming, but few have produced such and compelling evidence as the ACIA study. Questions
about the event? Call Amanda Swanson at 617-495-1351 or email |